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Martinus Telaumbanua


The purpose of this study was to determine how much the relationship between work motivation and discipline with the work performance of teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Somambawa. The research method used in this research is a survey method with correlational analysis. Meanwhile, data and information in the field were collected using a questionnaire. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) The results of testing the first hypothesis concluded that there is a significant relationship between work motivation and teacher work performance. This is based on the coefficient of determination which is 0.503 while the tcount is 5.777. The regression relationship is linear with the equation model Ŷ = -9,346 + 1,159 X1. 2) The results of testing the second hypothesis concluded that there is a significant relationship between discipline and teacher work performance. This is based on the coefficient of determination which is 0.595 while the tcount is 6.959. The regression relationship is linear with the equation model Ŷ = -10,452 + 1,164 X2. 3) The results of testing the third hypothesis concluded that together there is a significant positive relationship between the independent variables of work motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) with the dependent variable teacher work performance (Y) with a coefficient of determination of 0.692. The multiple regression relationship is linear with the equation model Ŷ = -31.481 + 0.634 X1 + 0.816 X2. 4) The independent variables of work motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) both individually and collectively make a significant contribution to the dependent variable of teacher work performance (Y). The contribution of each independent variable to the dependent variable is: a) Work motivation variable is 50.3%, b) Discipline variable is 59.5%. The contribution of the two independent variables together to the dependent variable is 69.2%. By knowing the contribution of work motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) variables of 69.2% to teacher work performance, it can be concluded that 30.8% of teacher work performance is caused by other factors.

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