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Prigi Bay has the potential of marine fisheries with a total fishery production reaching 4,108.57 tons / year. The potential of Prigi bay fisheries is also balanced by the movement of nutrients caused by current movements. The movement of nutrients in the waters certainly cannot be separated from the surface current factor of a waters. The purpose of this study is to find out how the temperature distribution patterns affect the current movement in Prigi Bay from a depth of 1 meter to a depth of 5 meters. This current movement will determine how the distribution of water quality in the waters of the Prigi Bay. Current conditions in prigi bay waters generally move towards the northeast with a speed of ± 0.8-1.4 km / hour. Prigi bay waters at sea level and at a depth of 1 meter in the range of 28 to 29oC. The difference in temperature will cause a difference in pressure, thus causing the appearance of wind. The existence of the wind causes the mass of water to move from one place to another. The distribution of chlorophyll-a in the Prigi Bay region is generally in relatively shallow waters, which is 2.13 to 3.66 mg / m3, which shows the potential of good fisheries to support the resilience of coastal areas, especially in meeting food and financial needs from a family of fishermen in the Prigi Bay.
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