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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a develomental barrier associated with social interaction, communication, restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. The behavioral complexity of children with ASD makes their need to be a complicated necessity. Parents who account for children with autism posses the higher level stress particullarly on mothers who have children with ASD. The aim is to identify parenting stress occur on mothers with autism child. Databases used in this study are Science Direct, Google Scholar, SINTA, SAGE, Springer. Obtained 3 from 18 articles that relevant and associated with the goals of this study. Screening was done by 1) Compiling articles about “parenting stress on mothers with children diagnosed autism”, 2) empirical study, 3) indonesian journal, 4) english journal, 5) downloading empire articles one by one. Acquired 3 journal which is ready to analyze by researcher. Is the result of this study conclude that there is significant relationship between mother’s parenting stress with child who diagnosed autism. On the other hand, leading causes stress on mothers with autism child, are aggressive behavior, unstable emotion without obvious reason, and hiperactivity. There are some stress response on mothers with autism child, physciological response, cognitive response, emotional response, and behavioral response.
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