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This study aims to improve learning outcomes and student activity in the PKK (Produk Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan) subject by introducing project-based learning. The model used in implementing this research is the classroom action research model developed by John Elliott. The research population was 34 students of class XI OTKP 2 SMK Negeri 3 Padang. This research was conducted through two cycles where each cycle consisted of two sessions. Observations, documentation and tests were carried out in collecting the data. In analyzing the data used descriptive, comparative and critical methods. From the research that has been done in class, it shows that the activities and learning outcomes of class XI OTKP 2 students at SMK Negeri 3 Padang have increased. In Cycle I, the average student learning activity was 56.16 percent, increasing to 73.47 percent in Cycle II. For learning outcomes in Cycle I the average was 77.94 percent and increased to 82.53 percent in Cycle II. From this it can be concluded that the activities and learning outcomes of class XI OTKP 2 OTKP 2 SMKN 3 Padang students can be further improved if project-based learning is integrated with creative and entrepreneurial product learning.
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