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The purpose of this study is to investigate three different deixis types found in Labrinth song lyrics. Researcher used Labrinth’s album to analyze three types of deixis because it is one of the most famous album in the world. The three types of deixis with referential meaning make up the majority of a song. As a result, song lyrics can be examined through a practical perspective that emphasizes deixis. A quantitative descriptive methodology was used in this investigation. Numerical data must be collected and analyzed for quantitative research. Twenty songs from the Labrint album were used as data, which were then divided into various deictic categories. The findings show that three types of deixis, such as person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis are used in the song lyrics of Labrinth’s album. Based on the discussion and findings that have been researched it could be stated that all deixis is present in every song with personal deixis being the most prevalent (255 frequencies and 80.70% percentage). At the second position, spatial deixis (36 frequencies and a percentage of 11.39%), and at the third position, temporal deixis is the most commonly found (36 frequencies and a percentage of 7.91%)
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