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There is a phenomenon regarding academic stress in students due to changes in the lecture process during and after the pandemic. Changes and obstacles experienced by students are interpreted as academic stress. From some literature, it is found that men and women's interpretations of academic stress are different which can also affect students' subjective well-being. The research method used is non-experimental quantitative with associative-causality type. The sample size was 221 students of the Faculty of Psychology with accidental sampling technique. Data collection using the Student-Life Stress Inventory questionnaire (α = 0.95 and validity = 0.421-0.880) and Student Subjective Wellbeing (CSSWQ) (α = 0.92 and validity = 0.24-0.71) through google form. The results showed the influence of academic stress on subjective well-being in both male and female student groups (R2 = 25.2% and 2.64%). The role or influence of academic stress on subjective well-being in male students is greater than in female students. In addition, female students feel more academic stress than male students.
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