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The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is like a domino effect. Seeing the phenomenon that has occurred, in Grogol Indah Village, the majority of the population works as contract laborers. Experiencing the impact of the pandemic. Changes in livelihoods and making people switch professions, which affect changes in consumption behavior and community livelihoods. The research aims to describe the livelihood strategies of contract laborers in Grogol Indah Village against the economic vulnerability faced by contract laborers. Ulrich beck in his theory of risk society, in the order of risk society, there is a threat sooner or later that will result in the collapse of the system. The method used in this research is qualitative research method to analyze and collect data. The vulnerability experienced by laborers is not only economic problems, the potential for children to drop out of school, problems fulfilling life needs and health problems. Livelihood capital owned by laborers is financial capital and social capital that can be maximally utilized and improved. The strategy chosen is survival strategy by saving expenses and consolidation by utilizing household members.The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is like a domino effect. Seeing the phenomenon that has occurred, in Grogol Indah Village, the majority of the population works as contract laborers. Experiencing the impact of the pandemic. Changes in livelihoods and making people switch professions, which affect changes in consumption behavior and community livelihoods. The research aims to describe the livelihood strategies of contract laborers in Grogol Indah Village against the economic vulnerability faced by contract laborers. Ulrich beck in his theory of risk society, in the order of risk society, there is a threat sooner or later that will result in the collapse of the system. The method used in this research is qualitative research method to analyze and collect data. The vulnerability experienced by laborers is not only economic problems, the potential for children to drop out of school, problems fulfilling life needs and health problems. Livelihood capital owned by laborers is financial capital and social capital that can be maximally utilized and improved. The strategy chosen is survival strategy by saving expenses and consolidation by utilizing household members.
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