Education aims to create quality human resources and be able to carry out the goals of education and one of them is the ability to solve mathematical problems. This type of research is descriptive research by carrying out a literature review of 10 journals. Based on the review conducted, it was concluded that abilities are very important for every student, teacher, and facilitator to have. Problem solving abilities can also collaborate with self-confidence, self-creativity, and innovation in improving academic achievement and enhancing future careers.
Clivaz, Stephane,et. all. (2023). Teachers’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Knowledge: In What Way is it Constructed During Teachers’ Collaborative Work?. Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Daryanes, F., Darmadi, et. all. 2023. The Development of Articulate Storyline Interactive Learning Media Based on Case Methods to Train Student’s Problem-Solving Ability. Heliyon
Kazemi, Farhad. Et.all. 2012. Investigation the Impact of Chess Play on Developing Meta-Cognitive Ability and Math Problem-Solving Power of Students at Different Levels of Education. Procedia
Kim, YJ., Et. all. 2018. The Role of Problem Solving Ability on Innovative Behavior and Opportunity Recognition in University Students. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Lange, Christopher, et. all. 2021. The effects of example-free instruction and worked examples on problem-solving. Heliyon
Maker, J.C. et. all. 2023. COVERing and Nurturing Creative Problem Solving in Young Children: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Creativity
NCTM. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
Ozus, Elhan, et. all. 2015. Interpersonal Problem Solving Abilities of Students of Professional Education Faculty Dressing Programme of Selcuk University. Procedia
Satchakett, N. dan Sitthipon, A.I. 2013. Development of Heuristics Problem Solving, and learning achievement of grade 9 students by using learning management focusing on Heuristics Approach in Thailand. Procedia
Stolz, R.C. et. all. 2022. Poised for creativity: Benefits of Exposing Undergraduate Students to Creative Problem-Solving to Moderate Change in Creative Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement. Journal of Creativity
Troyer, Jules A., et all. (2012). Teaching Students How to Meditate Can Improve Level of Consciousnes and Problem Solving Ability. Procedia
Daryanes, F., Darmadi, et. all. 2023. The Development of Articulate Storyline Interactive Learning Media Based on Case Methods to Train Student’s Problem-Solving Ability. Heliyon
Kazemi, Farhad. Et.all. 2012. Investigation the Impact of Chess Play on Developing Meta-Cognitive Ability and Math Problem-Solving Power of Students at Different Levels of Education. Procedia
Kim, YJ., Et. all. 2018. The Role of Problem Solving Ability on Innovative Behavior and Opportunity Recognition in University Students. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Lange, Christopher, et. all. 2021. The effects of example-free instruction and worked examples on problem-solving. Heliyon
Maker, J.C. et. all. 2023. COVERing and Nurturing Creative Problem Solving in Young Children: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Creativity
NCTM. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
Ozus, Elhan, et. all. 2015. Interpersonal Problem Solving Abilities of Students of Professional Education Faculty Dressing Programme of Selcuk University. Procedia
Satchakett, N. dan Sitthipon, A.I. 2013. Development of Heuristics Problem Solving, and learning achievement of grade 9 students by using learning management focusing on Heuristics Approach in Thailand. Procedia
Stolz, R.C. et. all. 2022. Poised for creativity: Benefits of Exposing Undergraduate Students to Creative Problem-Solving to Moderate Change in Creative Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement. Journal of Creativity
Troyer, Jules A., et all. (2012). Teaching Students How to Meditate Can Improve Level of Consciousnes and Problem Solving Ability. Procedia
How to Cite
Siregar, Y., & Adawiyah Siregar, R. (2023, July 6). ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIS. JURNAL MathEdu (Mathematic Education Journal), 6(2), 150-154.