This type of research Quasi experimental Research. The research subject were class VII-1 which
consisted of 25 people. There are 13 women and 12 men. The object taken in this research is Blended
Learning to understanding the set. The instrument used is in the form of a test. The test used is a multiple
choice test that has been tested with a pre-test reliability of 0,5 with a sufficient level of reliability and posttest reliability of 0,7 with sufficient level of reliability. And both test have valid questions. From the test
results on students understanding of the mathematical set the average value of the pre-test questions = 73,
median value = 80, the mode value = 70 and the standard deviation = 80. The average value of post-test
questions = 83,76 median value = 85,3 mode value = 80 and standard deviation = 90. From the results of
statistical analysis using the t-test obtained by comparing thitung = 2,75 to the table of significance level ???? =
5% with a ttabel value of = 1,71. Obtained thitung > ttabel = 2,75 > 1,71. Thus the researcher councludes that
there is an effect of Blended Learning on group understanding in class VII SMP Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan
in the 2021/2022 academic year
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